Post and recipe in collaboration with: Perrito de Mercado
There is something so comforting (and juicy) about a homemade burger, so we decided to try out a Oaxaca style version and the result was so, so good. The main star in these homemade spicy burgers is the chile de arbol – one of my favorite chiles. Add in some Oaxaca style cheese (quesillo) and guacamole, and this spicy burger has a nice Oaxacan twist.
You can also sub in different types of chiles depending on what you have available. But the arbol is really spectacular in these homemade spicy burgers.
Oaxaca Hamburger with Chile de Arbol: Homemade Spicy Burgers

Prep time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6
- ½ Lb of ground beef
- ½ Lb of ground pork
- 6 Rolls or ciabattas
- 1 Tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
- 1/2 Large white onion chopped
- 1/2 Cup of breadcrumbs
- 1 Egg
- Butter
- ½ Lb of Quesillo (Oaxacan string cheese)
- 4 Arbol chiles dried
- 2-4 Cloves of garlic
- Handful of parsley
- 2 Tomatos
- Lettuce
- 2 Large Avocados
- 1 Lime
- Salt
- Pepper
- Remove the stems and seeds of the arbol chiles and roast them over medium heat in a pan. Put to the side. (Warning: I highly recommend a well ventilated kitchen for this step, as the chile smoke can be uncomfortable to breathe. Open the window, turn on a fan, and/or cover your mouth and nose.)
- In a large mixing bowl, add the ground meats, the chopped onion, salt, pepper, parsley, raw egg, diced garlic, and breadcrumbs. Roughly chop the roasted chiles and add them. Mix all until it has an even consistency.
- Make balls of the meat mixture and flatten them into a hamburger patty. Put them to the side.
- In a hot pan, add the oil and cook the hamburger patties about 8 minutes on each side on low heat. Place a handful of chopped quesillo cheese on top of each patty and cook 8 more minutes with the pan covered. Reserve.
- Cut the ciabattas/buns in half and separate the tops and bases. Toast them in the pan with butter until they are golden on each side.
- In a small bowl, add the avocado flesh, add a splash of olive oil, juice from one lime, and smash lightly with a fork and mix.
- Add the guacamole to the top of each ciabatta/roll.
- Add the cooked hamburger patty to the ciabatta base. Add some lettuce and sliced tomato.
- Add the ciabatta top and enjoy!
Siga para la receta en Español.
Note! We used many many chiles and the burgers were super spicy. We’re recommending to start with 4 for a moderate amount of spice.
I used a large dice of onion because i like the “rustic” texture, but this makes it harder for the burgers to stick together. A bit of a smaller dice is recommended.
Hamburguesas con Chile de Àrbol
Tiempo de preparación: 30 minutos
Personas: 2
- ¼ Kilo de carne molido de res
- ¼ Kilo de carne molido de puerco
- 6 Panes/rollos para hamburguesa (nosotros usamos 2 ciabattas)
- 1 Cucharada de aceite de oliva extra virgen
- 1/2 Cebolla grande cortada en cuadritos
- 1/2 Taza de pan molido
- 1 Huevo
- 2-4 dientes de ajo
- Mantequilla
- 250 Gr de Quesillo deshebrado
- 4 Chiles de àrbol
- Una rama de perejil
- Lechuga
- 2 Aguacates
- 2 Tomates
- 1 Limon
- Sal
- Pimienta
- Quitar las semillas de los chiles de àrbol y despues asarlos a fuego medio. Reservar.
- Colocar en un bowl la carne molida y agregar la cebolla, sal, pimienta, chiles de àrbol cortados (depende que tan picante la quieras), perejil, huevo, ajo picado y el pan molido. Mezclar todo hasta que quede una consistencia sólida.
- Una vez teniendo todo mezclado se hacen bolitas de carne planas y colocando en un plato.
- En un sartén caliente con aceite de oliva, colocar las bolitas de carne por cada lado unos 8 minutos a fuego lento y voltear. Colocar el quesillo encima de la carne y dejar otros 8 minutos tapado el sartén. Reservar.
- Para las ciabattas cortar a la mitad y separar las tapas y las bases. Ponerla a calentar en el sartén con mantequilla hasta que estén doradas.
- En un bowl pequeño abrir los aguacates con un cuchillo por la mitad y quitar la semilla, separar la cáscara y agregar un chorrito de aceite y un limón con un tenedor machacar hasta que quede una mezcla homogénea.
- Colocar el guacamole en la tapa de la ciabatta con el tenedor.
- Colocar la carne con el quesillo encima del base de pan, después una hoja de lechuga y un par de rodajas de tomate.
- Colocar la tapa de la hamburgesa y listo.
Drop a comment here and let us know how your Oaxaca-style homemade spicy burgers turn out!
For more Oaxaca inspired recipes, click here. And lots of Oaxaca travel tips and inspiration here.
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